How one Spanish letter totally changes the meaning of these 9 words.

Pronounced "enye," the fifteenth letter in the Spanish alphabet is often misused or completely left out of Spanish (or Spanglish) text messages, captions and social media status updates, be it due to human error or autocorrect. Either way, this is a huge problem.

These nine words take on completely different meanings when you replace the “ñ” with the regular ole letter "n". Can you think of any others? Share them in the comment section below. 


Año versus Ano.

Moño versus Mono.

Coño versus Cono.

Ordeñar versus Ordenar.

Campaña versus Campana.

Uña versus Una.

Montaña versus Montana.

Ñame versus Name.

Peña versus Pena.

Read more here.


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