A look at Albuquerque, New Mexico’s first dual language STEM school.

The world of work is changing, and schools are trying to keep up with what employers need. Enter Hayes Middle School- Albuquerque Public Schools' first dual language STEM middle school, where English and Spanish are emphasized equally.

Adrian Ramirez is one of around 400 students who take dual-language STEM classes at Hayes.

"Science, technology, engineering and math is important, you need math for everything we do, practically, science is the art of observing the world around you and technology is just what's going on these days," Ramirez said.

At Hayes, science is in Spanish and math is in English, and teachers can speak both languages and swap between them to help students if need be. But the goal is to get them fully immersed in each language- speaking, learning and thinking in each class.

Students study each subject in project-based and team-based settings—hallmarks of "STEM" education.

"They're going to be twice exceptional- they're going to have those opportunities," said Hayes Middle School Principal Antoinette Valenzuela. "We're preparing 21st century students for the workplace."

Read more here.

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