Three Siblings Teach Bilingual Studies at Texas Elementary School

Leslie, Lilian, and Livier Olvera are three smart, funny lively sisters who all teach fourth grade bilingual classes at Milam Elementary School in Bryan, TX.

Livier, the oldest, has been a teacher in the district for 10 years and teaches math and writing. She says their love of teaching children has always been in the family. "I decided to teach summer school. My sister Leslie was in high school. She had nothing to do. I said 'Leslie, you're going to be part of my fluency station, so that was how she got involved." Leslie, the youngest of the three says, "As I got through college and went through my major, I decided I didn't want to go to grad school. I wanted to be in a classroom more."

As first year teachers, Leslie and Lilian are quickly learning the joys and challenges young minds. "Children are exciting they teach me something every day."

Read more here.


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