Mexican Publisher Rolls Out Spanish-Language Book Truck In San Diego.

A Spanish-language book truck has started traveling to schools, parks, and other areas of San Diego County. The Mexican publisher Fondo de Cultura Economica launched the book truck with the Mexican Consulate in San Diego.

José Carreño Carlón, director of the Fondo de Cultura Económica, said the truck is meant to promote Spanish-language learning, especially among the children of Latin American families.

'“Our native language unites us and protects us,” he said. “That's why we’re putting forth this project.”


He said he thinks anti-immigrant rhetoric ahead of the U.S. presidential primaries makes more urgent the need for Hispanic communities to unite.


Children of Mexican and other Latin American immigrants sometimes lose their native language once they start school in the U.S. Acknowledging this, more than half of the books on the truck are children’s books.


“That’s what families are mostly demanding,” Carreño said. “Because they’re obviously interested in preserving their culture and language.”


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