US Panel is usually formed by six or seven industry experts, among which there are professors, translators, agents, librarians, authors, editors and publishers. Some of the panelists change every edition, therefore allowing more professionals to participate in this project. The panel meets twice a year for each edition, and their decisions are based on their experience in this industry, their knowledge of the market and also on the reader’s reports, which are commissioned by this office to readers selected beforehand. Members of the panel reach their final decision following their opinions and with absolute independence.
The panel for the 2015 edition was formed by: Chad Pots, Director of Open Letter Books and Managing Editor of Three Percent; Esther Allen, translator from Spanish and French, Associate Professor at Baruch College, City University of New York; Marta Lopez-Luaces, Ph. D. in Spanish and Latin American Literatures from NYU and is an Associate Professor at Montclair SU; Teresa Mlawer, expert and a pioneer in Spanish-language publishing in the United States, has translated over 300 children’s books from English to Spanish; Margaret Carson, cochair of the PEN America Center Translation Committee, and Assistant Professor of Modern Languages at Borough of Manhattan Community College, City University of New York; Javier Molea, Foreign Languages Manager at McNally Jackson Books in Soho, New York; Susan Harris, editorial director of Words without Borders and coeditor of The Ecco Anthology of International Poetry.
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