Mexican young woman gets 200,000 people interested in the Tales of Count Lucanor.

Fatima Orozco (most commonly known as “Fa”) succeeds among teenagers by posting book reviews on BookTuber. Emerging platform gaining traction, especially in Latin America, but still trails behind You Tube in terms of number of subscribers.

Fatima posted her first video on YouTube on August of 2012 as way to express her need to post her personal book reviews and to stress on the lack of electronic editorial reviews on many titles. “I had spent years checking videos by Booktubers in English but could never find anything similar pertaining to Spanish titles, I could not find what I was looking for. That is why I decided to create the content I would like to see myself”. Fatima offered these comments during a recent visit to Madrid to participate on a forum involving members of her group.

Her YouTube channel currently has 219,000 subscribers and her vides accumulate over 11 million views. When she posts book reviews, she challengers other booktubers  and her fans to ask her about literary topics.

Read more here.


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