Latin American kid gets 600-book donation after confessing that he is passionate about reading… but lacks money to buy books.

Matthew Flores, from Salt Lake City (Utah), a 12-year old boy used to hang out nearby mailboxes to read pamphlets for free. Ron Lynch, the local mail carrier asked him how come he did not read books but the Matthew said he did not have money to buy them and that his family did not own a car to go to a library. Lynch launched social network campaign to have people donate books for the young reader.

The story went viral right away… People from all over the world sent up to 600 different books to Matthew Flores, son of Mexican immigrants, who excitedly said: “I don’t think I will be able to keep all of them at my house” and thanked everyone for the nice gesture.

“Do you prefer to read in Spanish or English?”, a reporter asked him. “I only read in English”, he replied, “but only because I have not received any books in Spanish yet. I would like to read whatever is available”.

Read more here.


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