Spain’s Chamber of Representatives pays tribute to Spanish language, the world’s second most spoken language.

Many representatives from political, corporate, and cultural sectors met during Spain’s first Tribute to Spanish language to reflect on the relevance of Spanish in today’s global society.

“Spanish language is a core element of our heritage, we must feel proud of it. We all deserve this acknowledgement”, the words of Ignacio Buqueras, head of the Universal Tribute to Spanish Language International Committee.

The event also helped recognizing he brilliant contributions of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), its vice-president, Mr. Jose Antonio Pascual, has received a commemorative certificate and a sculpture by Santiago de Santiago honoring the important efforts by the institution in protecting the Spanish-language. During his speech, Pascual emphasized that “Spanish language needs to be cared for for it be updated, for its improvement, and so it can be in similar circumstances with other languages”.

Read more here.


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