School District in Chicago forms dual language task force

School District 308 officials are preparing for the first meeting of a dual language task force, which is likely to look at revamping the program and how the program fits with other language offerings, School Board members said.

The task force came about after members of the School District 308 board voted in May to reinstate the district's dual language program. A previous board had scrapped the program months before.

The new group will likely have more than 25 members, including School Board members, district and school administrators, teachers and parents. Though details are still being finalized, the committee will be chaired by Director of English Learners Theresa Ulrich and Associate Superintendent for Administrative Services John Sparlin, said School Board member Jared Ploger.

Three other district administrators, an elementary principal, a junior high principal, teachers and participants – including parents – recommended by board members will make up the remaining members, Ploger said. Ploger, who has a son in the dual language program and a son who lost the dual language entrance lottery, and School Board Mike McDowell will also be part of the group.

"The good thing about the task force is it does what should have been done a long time ago," Ploger said. "Which is bring parties together to discuss issues, but also research and also best practice and where there are…opportunities for improvement."


District officials and board members have said the dual language program will see changes necessary to meet state and federal requirements.


McDowell said the task force – which differs from other advisory groups that are entirely made of parents – is faced with revamping the program quickly. Members must decide how students enter the program and whether siblings of students already in the program should be guaranteed entry. They will likely look at the program's texts, and ensure the program has qualified teachers, he said.


"Before, (the program) was a nightmare," he said. "It was just a failure before. There wasn't enough resources given to the program to make it successful."

Officials should have begun working to change the program in January, he said. Now, the district administration will be scrambling to train staff and get the necessary work done.

At the same time, he was concerned that most of the work was being done in English. He said the group's meetings should be streamed online, and translated for Spanish-speaking parents.


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