REFORMA Announces the 2015 Librarian of the Year (LOTY) and 2015 Lifetime Achievement Award (LAA) winners.

Madeline Peña & Loida Garcia-Febo, some of the most renowned members of REFORMA, are this year’s winners for these awards.

Madeline Peña has been an active member of REFORMA for over four years. She served as co-Chair of the Marketing Committee for RNCV and was recently elected Chapter Representative for the Western Region. She is the current President of the Los Angeles Chapter.

Loida served REFORMA as President from 2009 to 2010, during which she coordinated partnerships with ALA New Members RT, IFLA Latin American & Caribbean Section (LAC), SALALM and PLA to present programs during the annual conference. A book with presentations of the program with IFLA LAC was published by UNAM during this time.

They will both be honored at a special ceremony on Friday, June 26, 2015 at the Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts in San Francisco, CA.

Read more here.

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