Spanish philosopher Emilio Lledo wins Princess of Asturias Award for Communication and Humanities

The Princess of Asturias Award for Communication and Humanities has been bestowed on the Spanish philosopher Emilio Lledo. The prize honors a person, group or institution who has made an outstanding contribution to universal culture.

The president of the jury, Victor Garcia de la Concha explained the decision.

“Lledo conceives philosophy as meditation on language and emphasizes the natural tendency of human beings to communicate. In this way he promotes a dialogue for coexistence in freedom and democracy,” he said.

The winner is a man of letters who first graduated in Philosophy in 1952 from the University of Madrid. He studied in Heidelberg in Germany for his doctorate and was Professor of Philosophy at the University of Barcelona for 11 years and subsequently at the National University of Distance Learning until his retirement.

He is also an author of several acclaimed books including Philosophy and Language for he believes that there is no freedom without language. He has written on ethics while another work is called “In Praise of Unhappiness”.

His studies and works have brought the 88-year-old a clutch of international awards including the National Spanish Literature prize last year in recognition of his extensive career.

Read more here.

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