What City Has More Bookstores Per Capita Than Any Other?

Buenos Aires, with 2.8 million people, has 734 bookstores, or 25 for every 100,000 people — the highest per capita in the world.

In the wake of the city’s highly successful annual book fair comes this piece of good news: According to a recent study by the World Cities Cultural Forum, Buenos Aires has more bookstores per capita than any other major city in the world.

The Associated Press reported that with a population of 2.8 million people (within the city limits), there are 25 bookstores (734 total at last count) for every 100,000 people. Its closest competition comes from Hong Kong, which has 22 bookstores per 100,000 people. (In addition, according to the Argentine Book Chamber, there were 28,010 titles in circulation and 129 million books printed in Argentina during 2014, making it “one of the most prolific book printers in Latin America.)

Juan Pablo Marciani, manager of El Ateneo Gran Splendid, a bookstore in the well-to-do Recoleta neighborhood which draws 7,000 people in its doors every week told the AP that, “Books represent us like the tango. We have a culture very rooted in print.”

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