Ribera del Duero Brief Narrative Award finalists named

Cristina Cerrada (Spain), Vera Giaconi (Uruguay), Alberto Olmos (Spain), Edmundo Paz Soldan (Bolivia), and Samanta Schewblin (Argentina) are the five finalists of the IV edition of this prestigious literary award.

Chosen from more than 850 manuscripts turned in by writers from thirty-three different countries, the winner’s name will be announced on April 9 at a Gala ceremony to take place at the Linares Palace in Madrid.

In collaboration with the Paginas de Espuma publishing house, the Ribera del Duero’s Brief Narrative Award has become a biennial celebration since 2008 to honor the 25th anniversary of its Origin Denomination recognition (Denominación de Origen –DO–); this effort honors the region’s renowned wine-growing tradition which resembles the art of short narrative literacy.

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