Booksellers across the U.S. can succeed offering Spanish books

Hispanics are the fastest-growing ethnic group in the U.S., and they are not only growing in terms of numbers but also expanding their presence in regions across the country. These demographic shifts pose new challenges and opportunities for bookstores that seek to service their communities and expand their businesses.

“In the past, Hispanics primarily resided in a few states and lived in large urban areas within those states. Now more Hispanics live in suburbs than in cities. According to the U.S. Census, states such as Alabama, Arkansas, Kentucky, South Carolina, and Tennessee saw their Hispanic populations double between 2000 and 2010. These demographic shifts pose new challenges and opportunities for bookstores that seek to service their communities and expand their businesses.”

Raquel Roque, book-selling consultant, and Gloria Noriega, director of Spanish books, both at Books & Books in the Miami area, offer tips and suggestions for booksellers interested in selling Spanish-language titles. Read more here.

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