32nd Annual International Book Fair LIBER 2014 starts October 1st

As in previous years, ICEX España Exportación e Inversiones (ICEX Spain Export and Investments), in conjuction with the Federation of Spanish Publishers, and the Trade Commission of Spain in Miami, is organizing, for the 32nd Annual International Book Fair, LIBER 2014, a Reverse Commercial Mission comprised of more than 25 librarians from the United States.

This impressive group of American librarians represents the major public and academic libraries in the country. The librarians were carefully chosen based on advice provided by publishers, distributors and other publishing sector professionals, and represent libraries that have considerable buying power for materials in the Spanish market and whose selections exert great influence on other library systems in the United States.

The International Book Fair (LIBER) will be held in Barcelona on October 1-3, 2014 at the Palacio 8 of the Fira of Barcelona. Liber 2014 will feature important and innovative organizational changes whose objectives are maintaining the fair's standing as the most important publishing event in the world of books in Spanish and answering the challenges and taking advantage of the opportunities presented by this transformative moment in the sector.

This year's edition of LIBER will again offer events for both professionals and the general public, thereby providing a place for citizens to encounter the world of literature and books.


Programs for Professionals:

Both national and foreign publishing professionals, as well as professionals from related creative sectors such as television, mobile devices, marketing, advertising, etc., will share not only their knowledge and success stories, but will discuss the uncertainties and challenges faced by our changing sector.

By means of brief and dynamic formats with audiovisual support, the activities designed for professionals seek to provide them the necessary tools to tackle their day to day interactions with the most up-to-date knowledge and to have specialists from other sectors share experiences that will enrich their publishing practices.

These are some of the topics that are being considered:

  • Law of Intellectual Property Rights
  • Social Reading: Subscription models, Platforms, Social networks
  • From book to TV, Movie or Computer Screen
  • Serious Games, Interactive Apps and Children's Reading
  • The Great Conglomerates and Managing the Change of Model in the Publishing Market
  • New Tools for Publishers in sales, marketing, communications, etc.
  • The author as a digital brand
  • Criteria the form the basis of publishing
  • Round tables, conferences and presentations by associations and institutions in publishing, the cultural sector, and in audiovisual and technological content.

And every day there will be keynote speeches by special national and international guest speakers.

Also, in the new field of Self-Publishing by Authors:

  • Self-Publishing by Author and Digital Promotion Day
  • Brief presentations on the following topics:
  • "I'm a Writer" bloc
  • "Reaching the Reader" bloc
  • "Encounter with Writers and Bloggers" bloc
    • Commercial Presentations of the Product
    • Brief presentations on the following topics:
    • Digital (Books, multimedia, mobile devices, etc.)
    • Editorial
    • Non editorial (Paper, merchandising, cultural gadgets...)
    • Hardware

Programs for the General Public:

  • LIBERATURA Festival
  • Chats promoting reading with authors who will talk about their own reading and recommended books, their passion for writing or the keys to understanding reality through texts.
    • LIBERATURA Festival in the city
    • Chats promoting reading in bookstores, libraries and cultural centers in Barcelona during LIBER

America Reads Spanish

September 3, 2014

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