Barcelona-based The Spanish Digital Link opens doors to the Spanish world

The Spanish Digital Link, in partnership with Germany's Bookwire, offers publishing localization services that will help the publishing industry establish a foothold in the 500 million strong global Spanish-language market. It will also offer services such as market research, draft proofreading and other marketing services, including translating social media postings to Facebook and Twitter into Spanish.

“After English and Chinese, Spanish is the most widely used language on the planet. For publishers, authors, and everyone in the media, it’s a huge opportunity — but also one that cannot be approached in a singleminded fashion,” says Publishing Perspectives. “'You can take a book that was written in English and translated by someone from Mexico, then published in Spain — it might not work. The colloquial language, the words and usage of Spanish in Mexico and Spain are different. You need to localize for each country. This is a service we offer,' says Arantxa Mellado, CEO of Barcelona-based The Spanish Digital Link (SDL).”

Read the complete story here.

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