LIBER reveals their 2014 program preview

The 32nd edition of the International Book Fair, to be held in Barcelona in October, offers a Professional Program, where professionals in the publishing industry will share with attendees knowledge on success, as well as concerns and challenges, related to this constantly changing industry. The Program open to the public includes Literatura Festival, with authors' participation, and Literatura Festival in the City, with the participation of Barcelona's libraries, book stores and cultural centers.


1. Professional Program:

National and international professionals in the publishing industry, and in creative industries as close to us as television, mobile phones' technology, or mobiles devices, marketing and publicity, will share with the LIBER attendees their knowledge on success cases and doubts and challenges related to such a changing industry as the one we're in.

Through brief, dynamic formats, and with audiovisual support, the professional activities seek to provide the tools that are necessary to face each day with the most updated knowledge, and offer the experience of specialists from other sectors in order to enrich their publishing practices.

These are some of the subjects that we're working on:

  • New Intellectual Property Law
  • Social reading: subscription models, platforms, social networks.
  • From books to TV, cinema and computer screens
  • Serious games, interactive apps and children books
  • Great publishing groups and the management of the change in the publishing market model
  • The new sales, marketing and communication tools for the publishing industry
  • The author as a digital trademark
  • The criteria as a basis for publishing

There will also be round tables, conferences and presentations of associations and institutions in the publishing and cultural world, as well as audiovisual and technological contents.

And, everyday, express conferences (Keynote Speeches) delivered by special national and international guests.

Also, the new Author's Edition area:

Author's Edition and Digital Promotion Conference: Brief presentations regarding the following topics:

  • 'I'm a writer" block
  • 'Reaching the reader' block
  • 'Meeting between authors and bloggers' block

Product commercial presentations:

  • Digital (book, transmedia, mobile devices, etc.)
  • Publishing-related
  • Not publishing-related (stationery, merchandising, cultural gadgets
  • Hardware


2. Program open to the public:

  • LIBERATURA Festival

Talks to boost reading habits with authors that will talk to us about their recommended books, their passion for writing or the keys to understand reality through the texts.

  • LIBERATURA Festival in the city

Talks to boost reading habits in libraries, book shops and cultural centers in Barcelona during LIBER.


Note: Program in progress, to be changed, corrected and increased.

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