Poetry For The New Millennium this Friday at Instituto Cervantes New York

As part of the Bilingual Poetry Reading, Instituto Cervantes New York presents poets Ann Lauterbach (US), Marta López-Luaces (Spain), Jeannette Lozano (Mexico) and Don Share (US), tomorrow, May 9 at 7:00 pm

Ann Lauterbach is the author of several poetry collections, including, among other titles,Under the Sign (Penguin, 2013) and Or to Begin Again (Penguin, 2009), which was nominated for the National Book Award. She is the recipient of fellowships from the Guggenheim Foundation, the New York State Foundation for the Arts, the Ingram Merrill Foundation, and the prestigious MacArthur Fellowship. She is currently Schwab Professor of Languages and Literature at Bard College.

Marta López-Luaces is a novelist, poet, and translator, that has published four books of poetry. Her poetry collection Los arquitectos de lo imaginario was finalist of the Ausias March award (2011) and has just finished to be translated into English by Gary Racz. Selections of her work have been also translated into Italian and Rumanian. She has translated into Spanish the Selected Poems of Robert Duncan (Tensar el arco, Madrid, Bartleby, 2011). She is the co-director of the literary journal Revista Galerna. She has published a collection of short stories, and the novel Los traductores del viento (Vaso Roto, 2013).

Jeannette Lozano has published, among other titles, Todo antes de la noche (Valencia, Pre-textos, 2003), Nombrar en vano (Guadalajara, CONARTE y Mantis Editores, 2004) and Los momentos del agua, a bilingual edition with a selection of works by visual artist Víctor Ramírez (Barcelona, Polígrafa, 2007). She has translated the poetry of Alda Merini, W. S. Merwin, Charles Wright, as well as the anthology of US poetry La escuela de Wallace Stevens (Vaso Roto, 2011). In 2013 Fondo de Cultura Económica publishing house published her autobiographical work Cuaderno de Chihuahua. Her work has been translated into English, French, Italian, Rumanian and Arabic.

Don Share he is the editor of the Chicago-based prestigious journal Poetry. He published Squandermania (2007), and Union (2002), a finalist for the Boston Globe/PEN New England Winship Award for outstanding book. His other books include: I Have Lots of Heart (Bloodaxe Books, 1997), and a selection of Miguel Hernández poetry, for which Don Share received the Times Literary Supplement Translation Prize and the Valle Inclán Prize for Translation from the UK Society of Authors.

Instituto Cervantes New York: 211 E 49th Street between 2nd & 3rd Avenues New York, NY 10017. Phone: 212-308-7720.

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