Art installation brings books in Spanish to an art gallery in Phoenix

Pablo Helguera’s art installation, “Librería Donceles,” is a traveling trove of some 12,000 books in Spanish on many subjects. The exhibit will be open 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. Wednesdays through Saturdays and by appointment through June 28 at Combine Studios Gallery, 821 N. Third St., Phoenix. Admission is free.

“[Librería Donceles is] a traveling trove of some 12,000 books in Spanish covering poetry, art, literature, history, biology, anthropology, politics, medicine and children’s literature. The artist aquired this massive collection by trading some of his previous art for boxes of secondhand books in multiples places, including Mexico City, whose historic Donceles Street inspired the exhibit.” Read the complete story here.

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