Combel celebrates silver anniversary

25 years have passed since 1989, when a small publishing house dedicated to publishing coloring books, illustrated stories and cut-outs was born in Barcelona.

In the 1990s, Combel began to publish stories in hard cover, and began an enduring collaboration with Spanish writers and illustrators in order to bring classic tales to the furthest reaches of that country. At the same time, its catalogue began to include titles bought from foreign publishing houses.

The warm acceptance of pop-up books encouraged the publisher to contemplate a new challenge: the projects that came from abroad generated a whirlwind of new ideas; what if Combel dared to make them a reality and, what's more, to export them? Thus, in 2008, the first pop-ups of its own creation began to arrive in bookstores, they were well-received by both the general public and critics and also opened the doors of the international market. Its most successful books have already been translated into more than ten languages and can be found in bookstores in Brazil, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Italy, Korea, Portugal, Sweden, United Kingdom and United States.

“We look back with satisfaction and we're pleased with the history of our little publishing house. We look forward and, energized by the joy and vigor of those 25 years, we are more determined than ever to keep delighting our audience, children and youth of all ages,” reads the press release from Combel. “Our catalogue aims to be a small homage to all of you who have helped us grow and have encouraged us along this long journey over the years. So, to all of you, many thanks, and... here's to many more books!”

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