A bilingual reading of Jack Gilbert’s poetry this week in New York

“The Forgotten Dialogue of the Heart” (El dialecto olvidado del corazón), a selection of poems by Jack Gilbert, will take place January 31, 7 p.m. at McNally Jackson in New York City. The book is published byDíazGrey Editores and translated by Eva Gasteazoro.

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Friday, January 31st, 7pm

The Forgotten Dialogue of the Heart (El dialecto olvidado del corazón), a selection of poems by Jack Gilbert. A DíazGrey Editores new book, translated by Eva Gasteazoro.

With Alice Quinn, Linda Gregg and Sylvia Molloy.

© Photograph of Jack Gilbert, 11/12/1997, courtesy of the University of Arizona Poetry Center

Jack Gilbert

In 1925, Jack Gilbert was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He was educated in Pittsburgh and San Francisco, where he later participated in Jack Spicer's famous "Poetry as Magic" Workshop at San Francisco State College in 1957.

His first book, Views of Jeopardy (Yale University Press, 1962) won the Yale Younger Poets Series and was nominated for the Pulitzer Prize. Soon after publishing his first book, Gilbert received a Guggenheim Fellowship and subsequently moved abroad, living in England, Denmark, and Greece. During that time, he also toured fifteen countries as a lecturer on American Literature for the U.S. State Department. Nearly twenty years after completing Views of Jeopardy, he published his second book, Monolithos, which won the Stanley Kunitz Prize and the American Poetry Review Prize. The collection takes its title from Greek, meaning "single stone," and refers to the landscape where he lived on the island of Santorini.

About Gilbert's work, the poet James Dickey said, "He takes himself away to a place more inward than is safe to go; from that awful silence and tightening, he returns to us poems of savage compassion."

Gilbert is also the author of Collected Poems (Knopf, 2012); The Dance Most of All (2009); Transgressions: Selected Poems (Bloodaxe Books 2006); Refusing Heaven (2005); winner of the National Book Critics Circle Award, and The Great Fires: Poems 1982-1992 (1996).

His other awards and honors include the Lannan Literary Award for Poetry and a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts.

Gilbert was the 1999-2000 Grace Hazard Conkling writer-in-residence at Smith College and a visiting professor and writer-in-residence at the University of Tennessee in 2004. Gilbert died on November 13, 2012 in Berkeley, California after a long battle with Alzheimer's. He was 87.

Si la meta del poeta es dar a ver, como decía Paul Eluard, la meta del traductor también lo es, y por partida doble. Al reunir en un volumen, The Forgotten Dialect of the Heart, una selección de poemas de Jack Gilbert con su versión en español, Eva Gasteazoro no sólo devuelve visibilidad a un poeta afantasmado por el olvido sino que logra imprevisible vida para una obra que, gracias a su admirable traducción, se nos aparece como deslumbrantemente nueva.

Sylvia Molloy

If the goal of the poet is to allow others to see, as Paul Eluard said, the goal of the translator is too, and even doubled. By bringing together in one volume, The Forgotten Dialect of the Heart, Jack Gilbert’s poems with its Spanish version, Eva Gasteazoro not only gives back visibility to a phantom poet by oblivion, but manages to give unpredictable life to a work that, thanks to her admirable translation appears to us as dazzlingly new.

Sylvia Molloy

Eva Gasteazoro is a performance artist, writer, translator, and teacher originally from Nicaragua, living in NYC since 1983. Since coming to New York, her theater work has been presented at the Manhattan Theater Club, Dance Theater Workshop, Dixon Place, P.S. 122, the Nuyorican Poets Cafe, the Whitney Museum, the Public Theater, and numerous other venues in NYC. Dance Theater Workshop’s Suitcase Fund produced her work internationally and throughout the U.S.

Her written work has been published in Spanish in “Carátula” (2009 and 2013) Revista Cultural Centroamericana”www.caratula.net/Archivo, and “Imanhattan” http://www.nyu.edu/pubs/imanhattan, a literary magazine from New York University. Gasteazoro’s theater work, Amor de mis Amores, was anthologized in Action THE NUYORICAN POETS CAFE THEATER FESTIVAL (Simon & Schuster, 1997). All these years, while creating her work, Gasteazoro has worked as a writer, translator, and editor in the publishing industry in the U.S. From 1990–1995, during Violeta Chamorro’s government, she was appointed First Secretary at the Mission of Nicaragua to the United Nations, where she was a delegate of Nicaragua to various Committees at the UN and at International Conferences.

Eva Gasteazoro es artista de performance, escritora y traductora nicaragüense.Vive en la Ciudad de Nueva York desde 1983. A partir de entonces, su obra teatral se ha presentado en numerosos teatros de la ciudad. Dance Theater Workshop ha patrocinado la producción de su obra, tanto a nivel nacional, como internacional.Su obra escrita ha sido publicada en español en revistas como Carátula, Revista Literaria Centroamericana,Imanhattan, revista literaria de New York University en español; y Action THE NUYORICAN POETS CAFE THEATER FESTIVAL (Simon & Schuster, 1997).Eva Gasteazoro tiene un Master in Fine Arts en creación literaria en español de New York University, y una licenciatura en Danza y Performance Art de State University of New York.En Europa se diplomó para ser traductora e intérprete de español, inglés, francés e italiano.Ha traducido del inglés al español al poeta americano Jack Gilbert; y del italiano al español al poeta Carlo Bordini. Todos estos años, Gasteazoro ha trabajado como escritora, traductora y editora para casas editoriales en EE.UU. De 1990 a 1995, fungió como Primer Secretario para la Misión de Nicaragua ante las Naciones Unidas.

Viernes 7 de Febrero, 7pm

Spanish Bookclub La Tertulia: Antes que anochezca, de Reinaldo Arenas (Cuba)

Moderador: Mariano Louge

Escritora Invitada: Daniella Sánchez Russo

Todos los Sábados
1 PM

Con Javier Molea

Es un espacio de aprendizaje e intercambio cultural. Los sábados, 1pm, nos reunimos a leer los mejores escritores de la lengua española. La mejor forma de practicar y mejorar el idioma es a través de sus mejores exponentes: Borges, Cortázar, Vargas Llosa, Rulfo, Onetti...y gracias a la mezcla de nacionalidades y culturas de los participantes, obtenemos una perspectiva única a la hora de analizar y comprender los textos.

Nos dejas tu correo electrónico y te agregamos a la lista de envios semanales, además te contamos de todos los eventos en Español que realizamos a lo largo del año.

Child With a Swan's Wings, by Daniel Shapiro
Skyscrapers, by Enrique Winter
Not a leg to stand on, by Lina Meruane
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