Lorito Books presents the new additions to its audio library

In its latest newsletter, the publisher features “The Cazuela That the Farm Maiden Stirred” and “Yum! ¡MmMm! ¡Qué rico!”, the latest additions to its catalog.


Lorito Books
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National Association of Bilingual Education
San Diego Convention Center


Bibliotecas Para la Gente, REFORMA Northern California
San Leandro Library
San Leandro, CA


Making a Good Book Better: Lorito Library Binding
We now offer an extensive list of softcover children's books from Mexico in library binding to prolong shelf life.
This includes the charming Óscar el Tlacuache series which was described by School Library Journal as: "...a real discovery, a gift to librarians everywhere, and that will become something you will use again and again in storytimes and programs.."
For a current list of all books available in library binding, contactpam@loritobooks.com.
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¡Squawk Notes!
January 2014
After the holiday rush January has given me a chance to catch my breath and take a closer look at the great titles I found in Guadalajara last month at the Feria Internacional del Libro.
I am excited about this material and the growing Lorito Library. Our collection of quality children's Spanish material is centered on the core themes of early literacy, listening skills and STEM subject areas. To access the current list, click here.  Watch for more titles over the coming months, including a selection of books from Chilean publisher Amanuta selected for Día de los Niños celebrations.
Thanks for listening/Gracias por esuchar,

Pam Fochtman
Founder & President
New Additions to the Lorito Audio Library!


The Cazuela That the Farm Maiden Stirred
Samantha Ramos' story about a farm maiden making "arroz con leche" is written in English but is generously seasoned with Spanish vocabulary.  Rafael Lopez' illustrations are a delight and Adriana Sananes' authentic Spanish voiceover that easily transitions to the English text make this a warm and lively recording.
14 minutes, 32 pages.  Live Oak Media
Paperback + CD, $19.95
Hardcover + CD, $29.95 Available here.
Yum! ¡MmMm! ¡Qué rico!
Pat Mora's collection of haiku is beautifully narrated by Denver stage actress Gabriella Cavallero.  Poetry celebrating foods native to the Americas fills readers with information. Exuberant illustrations and warm, clear narration make this a audio set a feast for the senses.  English, 20 minutes, 32 pages.  Live Oak Media
Paperback + CD, $19.95 Available here.
Invite ABC Fiesta to Your Fiesta!

Bilingual children's musician Mister G's newest CD is full of fun.  Literacy themed, original songs are a great way to kick off story time.  Called a "kid-friendly, bilingual rockstar" by the Washington Post, Mister G is a happy addition to a children's collection. Watch the Cocodrilo music video here. $14.99. To order: click.

A Resource We Love: 2014 Día de los Niños Website
ALA's Día de los Niños website has added a number of features         this year to support Día planning, including author videos,                 booklists, planning tools, and activity sheets.  Check                 out: dia.ala.org.

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