Selling Spanish language books in the US offers unexpected rewards

In an editorial piece by Publishing Perspectives, Mark Haber, of Brazos Bookstore, an independent bookstore in Houston, writes about the increased number of customers asking for Latin-American and Spanish books, and how his bookstore is now carrying titles both originally written in Spanish and translated into Spanish, to satisfy the demand.

“The days of Spanish language literature being reduced to Cervantes or García Márquez have passed. The diverse, expansive world of Spanish language literature is slowly getting recognized by English readers,” Haber writes, and then he adds: “Despite the shamefully low rate of books published in translation in the United States (it stands at roughly 3%), it seems a time for optimism. The Spanish section has only been around for a month and already customers have asked (and purchased) books by Javier Marías and Juan Gabriel Vásquez. These are small steps, but they’re the right ones.”. Read the complete story here.

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