Elena Poniatowska: First Mexican Woman to Receive the Cervantes Prize

Grupo Planeta celebrates the Premio Cervantes in Literature given to Elena Poniatowska, first Mexican female writer to be recognized with the most important Spanish-language literature award worldwide.

The award was granted for "her brilliant literary career in many genres, specially in narrative and her exemplary dedication to journalism. Her work is noticeable for her firm commitment to contemporary history. She has written emblematic works that describe the 20th century from an international and comprehensive perspective. Elena Poniatowska constitutes one of the most powerful voices in the Spanish-language literature of today," read the jury act.

The jury members included José Manuel Caballero Bonald, winner in 2012; José Manuel Blecua Perdices, member designated by the Spanish Royal Academy; Renée Ferrer by recommendation of the Paraguayan Academy of the Spanish Language; María Pilar Celma Valero, on behalf of the Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities (CRUE); Diego Valadés Ríos, on behalf of the Union of Latin American Universities (UDUAL); María Dolores López Enamorado, on behalf of the director of the Instituto Cervantes; Fernando Rodríguez Lafuente, on behalf of the Minister of Education, Culture and Sports; José Luis Rodríguez García, for the Spanish Federation of Associations of Journalists (FAPE); Ana María Hernández Vallen, for the Latin American Federation of Journalists (FELAP); and Nagwa Mehrez for the International Association of Hispanists. Their verdict also highlighted her brilliant career in different literary genres.

Elena Poniatowska's work includes novel, essay, chronicle and interviews in over 35 books that give testimony of a life dedicated to literature. Her books published by Planeta are El universo o nada (Seix Barral, 2013); Leonora (Seix Barral, 2011), winner in 2011 of the Biblioteca Breve prize; Octavio Paz. Las palabras del árbol (Joaquín Mortiz, 2009); La herida de Paulina (Planeta, 2007) and Amanecer en el Zócalo (Planeta, 2007). And on her, this publishing house has also released Elenísima, a biography by Michael K. Schuessler (Booket, 2013).

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