The 5th “Congreso Internacional de la Lengua” ends today in Panama

Under the motto “El español en el libro: del Atlántico al Mar del Sur” (The Spanish in the book: from the Atlantic to the southern oceans,) the event congregates professionals and experts from all Spanish-speaking countries and other parts of the world. The academic program is structured around four themes: "The book between the Atlantic and the Pacific,” “The Book Industry,” “Book, reading and education" and "The Book between creation and communication." The congress ends today.

El País has published a complete section on the different events held durning the congress. From a chronicle about the opening ceremony, with the presence of Panama's president, Ricardo Martinelli and Principe de Asturias Don Felipe de Borbón, to articles on the different topics discussed during the four days to the creation of a “Sound Atlas of Spanish,” a compilation of the unique words used in each Spanish-speaking country.

See the section and read all the stories, here.

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