Spanish language and its overall value in U.S.

ABC convened top experts in Segovia to analyze the potential of the language in the field of economic development and its increasing international influence.

“Spanish is one of the strongest values we share, historically, and especially if we look to the future. But in our country we are not always aware of the potential of a language that connects us with over 500 million people,” reports

“Yesterday, at the Hay Festival in Segovia, ABC got together the top experts in this field (Victor García de la Concha, director of the Instituto Cervantes, Jose Manuel Blecua, director of the Royal Spanish Academy, and José Luis García Delgado, professor and expert on the economic value of the Spanish language, moderated by Bieito Rubido), to clear the doubts and clarify the strategies that can allow Spanish to drive our development and international prestige.”. Read the complete story here.

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