U.S. Tour: 'Spain’s Great Untranslated' introduces the work of twelve contemporary Spanish masters to English-speaking audiences

SPAIN Arts & Culture, in collaboration with Words Without Borders, presents “Spain's Great Untranslated,” an anthology of twelve contemporary Spanish masters whose dazzling work has been unavailable to the English-language world. The events, including panel discussion and book signing, will take place Sept. 30th in Miami, and later in the week in Houston and Albuquerque.

Several members of the project, from editors to translators, as well as authors and poets, will present in this three cities the value of translation, and will discuss about what this diverse array of Spanish language poetry, fiction and essays —many appearing in English for the first time in this anthology— can reveal about Spanish culture.

Together with the editorial direction of Words Without Borders, guest editors Aurelio Major, Mercedes Monmany, and Javier Aparicio selected the authors to provide an unrivaled view of Spanish writing today.

The U.S. Tour Panelists are:

Miami, Sept. 30, 8 p.m.: Editor Valerie Miles, poet Olvido Garcia Valdés, novelist Miquel de Palol and translator Forrest Gander. For more information about this event, click here.

Houston, Wednesday, October 2nd, 7 p.m.: Professor Lane Kauffmann, novelist Ignacio Martinez de Pisón, translator Anne McLean, author Tony Diaz and editor Valerie Miles. For more information about this event, click here.

Albuquerque (UNM), October 4th, 12 p.m.: novelist Ignacio Martinez de Pisón, translator Anne McLean, and professor Santiago Vaquera. For more information about this event, click here.

Albuquerque (Instituto Cervantes) October 4th, 6 p.m.: Author Margaret Randall, professor Susana Rivera, novelist Ignacio Martinez de Pisón, and translator Anne McLean. For more information about this event, click here.

The publication includes genres such as poetry, fiction, and essay, portrays various literary landscapes:

Fernando Aramburu delivers a kaleidescopic report on the 2004 Madrid subway bombing. In poetry from two greats, Antonio Gamoneda rages, and Pere Gimferrer rhapsodizes. Cristina Fernández Cubas tracks a malevolent antique. Berta Vias Mahou finds children puzzling out maternal mystery. César Antonio Molina crosses bridges and hugs the coastline in Greece. And Juan Eduardo Zúñiga imagines an idyll at the end of the world. The book also includes fiction by Miquel de Palol, and Ignacio Martínez de Pisón and poetry by Juan Antonio Masoliver Ródenas and Olvido García Valdés.

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