Three Spanish intellectuals win important literary awards

Spanish philologist and professor Ciriaco Morón Arroyo, won the “Premio Internacional Menéndez Pelayo;” Spanish historian Fernando García de Cortázar won the “Premio de Novela Histórica Alfonso X El Sabio,” and author Lorenzo Luengo won the “Premio de Novela Ateneo de Sevilla”.

Ciriaco Morón Arroyo won the 27th Premio Internacional Menéndez Pelayo. This award from Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo and Colegio de México, highlights the literary or scientific work of personalities whose work has an impact and humanistic dimension. Read the story here.

Fernando García de Cortázar won the Premio de Novela Histórica Alfonso X El Sabio with his novel “Tu rostro con la marea”. Read more here.

With his novel “El infierno de Dante”, Lorenzo Luengo won the 45th Premio de Novela Ateneo de Sevilla. Read the story here.

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