Mexican artist creates only Spanish-language second-hand bookstore in New York

To create an itinerant second-hand bookstore, Mexican artist Pablo Helguera came up with an idea: he would request Spanish-language books in exchange for his own artwork. As for the name for the new venture, there was one natural choice: Donceles, a tribute to Mr. Helguera’s book-loving hometown.

Pablo Helguera loves books. He grew up among them, in the sheltered environment of a literary household, under the inviting presence of his parents’ vast library. When he became old enough to buy his own stuff, he would start roaming the bookstores in search of novels and art books. He was particularly fond of second-hand bookstores, those magical places where serendipity reigns supreme. In Mexico City —Mr. Helguera’s hometown— second-hand bookstores are gathered on an old street with a Chivalric name: Donceles, the Spanish word for the medieval office of page.”

Read the complete NBC Latino story here.

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