Hispabooks wants to make Spanish fiction available for the English-speaking book market

The new Spanish publishing house aims to translate contemporary Spanish fiction into English, to reach the worldwide English-speaking book market.

Hispabooks' idea is to do something about the lack of translated Spanish literature at an international level, and hopefully become the benchmark publishing platform for quality Spanish writing in the overseas market.

The Hispabooks catalogue aims to represent the whole range of voices in contemporary Spanish writing. The list will contain not only rising talents and newcomers, but also established authors, so that the reader can find new works alongside back-list titles.

The catalogue of works that Hispabooks has signed up so far includes some of Spain’s best contemporary authors: the established writers José Ovejero (Alfaguara Prize, 2013), Lorenzo Silva (Planeta Prize, 2012) and Marcos Giralt Torrente (National Fiction Prize, 2011), upcoming talents such as Elvira Navarro, Andrés Barba and Javier Montes, and other well-known names like Nicolás Casariego, Álvaro Colomer, Adolfo García Ortega, José Ángel González Sainz, Antonio Jiménez Barca, José Carlos Llop, Luisgé Martín, Imma Monsó, Fernando Royuela, Pedro Zarraluki and Berta Vias Mahou.

The books, to be published simultaneously in print and digital formats, are distributed throughout the English-speaking market at a global level. The paperback version, produced in POD by Lightning Source is distributed by Ingram and its local partners. The digital version is available through online bookshops and distributors (including Amazon, Apple, Sony, Kobo, Google and Barnes & Noble).

Hispabooks can be contacted at ana.perez@hispabooks.com or 0034 690 21 36 73.

To see the publisher's Facebook page, click here.

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