Sub-Urbano builds a bridge between writers and readers in U.S., Spain and Latin America

Sub-Urbano is a monthly on-line magazine published in Miami, that seeks to vindicate Latin American literature in the United States and disseminate the arts in all its forms. It was born in 2009, and now, thanks to the efforts of its team, and the support of its readers –more than 10, 000 per month- , aims to become a cultural landmark in the country's Hispanic community.

One of its goals is to create a cultural bridge between the U.S., Spain and Latin America, so that both writers, as artists, and readers, have a common area where to manifest themselves.

Sub-Urbano complements its work by undertaking cultural activities such as creative writing and workshops, storytelling, book presentations and discussions with authors.

Recently, Sub-Urbano published it’s Collection Edition. A book of 300 pages that gathers works of ficiton, non fiction, interviews and essays of the most representative Latinamerican authors among the United States, such as Edmundo Paz Soldán, Eduardo González-Viaña, Eduardo Halfon, Diego Fonseca, José Ignacio Valenzuela, Pablo Brescia, Daína Chaviano, Rossana Ubanell, Teresa Dovalpage, María José Navia, between others. This edition also has sections that cover Music, Theater, Poetry and other artistic disciplines.

The Collection Edition can be ordered here.

For more information go to ­

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