Review of the novel 'El niño que perdió la guerra' by Julia Navarro

'El niño que perdió la guerra' is a historical fiction written by award-winning Spanish journalist Julia Navarro.

The work was first published on September 5, 2024, by the publishing house Plaza y Janés. After its release, it has received mixed reviews from critics and the reading public, although it has good grades on platforms such as Amazon and Goodreads.

On these last-mentioned portals, “El niño que perdió la guerra” has been rated with 4.4 and 4.35 stars, respectively. At the same time, the reviews show a certain indifference to the novel -which contains terrifying themes and scenes, such as battles and the tortures associated with them-. Even so, both Julia Navarro's prose and the quality of her research are elements to be considered.

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