Raúl Quinto, Spanish National Fiction Award 2024

The writer from Cartagena, Raúl Quinto, has been awarded the Spanish National Fiction Prize for the year 2024, for his work “Martinete del rey sombra” (Jekyll & Jill), as proposed by the jury that met today.

The prize, awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Culture, is endowed with 30,000 euros.

The jury highlighted the author's work “for being a brilliant proposal that, standing on the border between genres, creates an original novel essay of historical interpretation. With a style rich in nuances, lavish in metaphors and magnificent descriptions, Raúl Quinto presents a vigorous portrait of the period in which he dissects in an accurate way the practices, conflicts and rites of the “State of the Ancien Régime and the attempt to exterminate a minority such as the gypsy people”.

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