Spanish Publishers New Releases, August 2024

Spanish Publishers, LLC is a partnership formed in the United States by Ediciones Obelisco, Editorial Sirio, and Urano World; the company is also the exclusive distributor of Almuzara, Anagrama, Batiscafo (Acantilado, Alamut, Galaxia Gutenberg, Impedimenta, ..

Libros del Asteroide, Nórdicalibros), Diamante, Duomo, Edaf, El Grano de Mostaza, Gedisa, Gribaudo, Grupo Atico, Herder, Koan, Ned, and Sélector; it also distributes bibles and inspirational books published by San Pablo.

With over 6000 available titles and 100 monthly new releases, Spanish Publishers provides a very wide selection of Spanish titles in every category including translations of American bestsellers as well as the works of renowned Spanish authors. The books are available in the U.S. shortly after their publication date.

Spanish Publishers is one of the top providers of Spanish titles in the U.S. Beyond sales, it conducts author travel programs connecting them with their readers. It is also recognized for providing an excellent level of service to its customers, maintaining the reputation it has built over the years by distributing Spanish titles throughout the country since 2000.

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