The slow burn romance, another phenomenon in the romance novel by Mariola Díaz-Cano Arévalo

The slow burn romance is the penultimate new phenomenon in the romance genre and already has millions of readers, especially in young adult literature.

But in reality, it has always been written, to a greater or lesser degree in the development of the love story between the protagonists. We take a look at what they are and propose some titles.

It consists of neither more nor less in that the main characters do not suddenly fall in love or feel an imperious need for each other, but that this relationship goes through slower channels.

That is to say, in this type of romance, the protagonists get to know each other one day and little by little find those details -more or less important- that they like about each other. Thus, the relationship moves with a special tempo: now an unintentional brush of the hand, I take your hair out of your face, you wink at me, or I drop something, and you pick it up with a subtle slowness to give it back to me. From there it's a long process until it goes to the next step. When you get to the embrace is almost a climax, the first kiss is entering Paradise, and the rest has no words.

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