Estandarte magazine recommends 5 historical novels

It is a selection of stories to discover the past. Amin Maalouf: “León el africano”, Robert Graves: “Yo Claudio”, Marguerite Yourcenar: “Memorias de Adriano”, ....

Mika Waltari: “Sinuhé, el egipcio”, Nicholas Guild: “El asirio”, Lászlo Passuth: “El dios de la Lluvia llora sobre México”, Gore Vidal: “Juliano el apóstata”, and Ford Madox Ford: “La quinta reina”, are some of the authors who at some point have turned their eyes to the past recreating characters, situations, battles or intrigues to, once discovered, make them available to all of us.

On this occasion in Estandarte we choose another five authors, all Spanish, who bring us closer to characters and events that marked the course of the world.


  1. Trafalgar by Benito Pérez Galdós, Alianza editorial
  2. Y Julia retó a los dioses by Santiago Posteguillo, Editorial Planeta
  3. Sidi by Arturo Pérez Reverte, Alfaguara
  4. El hereje by  Miguel Delibes, Destino
  5. El cielo sobre Alejandro by  Luis Villalón, La esfera de los libros


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