The Cervantes Society of Alcázar de San Juan has presented its project Quijote universal manuscrito en Internet

Universal Quijote handwritten on the Internet) with which it aims to complete the first Don Quixote available on the Internet, handwritten in collaboration with transcribers from around the world.

On Thursday, November 30, the project was presented at the Casa Museo del Hidalgo, by the Cervantina Society of Alcázar de San Juan, taking an original idea from member Antonio Leal Jiménez, and expanded to the universal and digital scope.

To this end, the SCA has created a web portal (developed by the Alcázar Technological Applications company) that allows all who request participation to randomly assign a fragment of Don Quixote (no more than three or four lines), which they must handwrite, transferring it in their own handwriting as legibly as possible, and posted on the web, either scanning it or photographing it with their mobile phone, in order to create together a large handwritten Don Quixote that will be permanently available on the Internet for reading and consultation.

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