Annabel Chaussat, general director of the FNAC book and music store chain, is in love with Madrid and would like to stay and live in Spain for many years.

is in love with Madrid and would like to stay and live in Spain for many years. The general director of FNAC in Spain has just turned 49 years old. Although she was born in London, her family is French and until two and a half years ago she lived in Paris,

Annabel Chaussat has fallen in love with Spain, Madrid specifically, for the energy felt in the city and all the social life that can be had.

So much so that she would love to stay here for a long time. “Spain is a very welcoming and very interesting country,” she says. Although, yes, she loves to cook, when it comes to choosing, she opts for French gastronomy. She specializes in soufflé, and excuses herself by saying: “I don't have a Spanish grandmother; I don't know the recipes. Now I have learned to make paella.”

Read the interview here

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