El Periódico interviews the president of the Federación de Gremios de Editores de España (Federation of Publishers Guilds of Spain) and CEDRO.

With more than 30 years in the world of publishing, Daniel Fernández (Barcelona, 1961), CEO of Edhasa and Castalia, chairs the Federación de Gremios de Editores de España (FGEE), CEDRO, and the Real Patronato de la Biblioteca Nacional.

He believes that "the pandemic has done well for the book sector," that there is "overproduction" and, given the process of editorial concentration, he predicts that "medium-sized publishers will not disappear if they do things right."

It was a splendid Sant Jordi Sunday; since Friday the bookstores were very full. It is strange to say that the pandemic has done well for the book sector, but it is a fact that many people recovered the habit of reading during this time. The book market works: more is sold in bookstores, and more is lent in libraries.

Read the interview here

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