Inauguration of the IX Cádiz Congress of the Spanish Language 2023

From March 27th to the 30th the City of Cádiz will host the International Congress of the Spanish language (CILE), where 300 congressmen from all over the Hispanic world will meet to discuss miscegenation and interculture.

The inauguration will take place today in the capital of Cádiz with the presence of their Royal Majesties, the King and Queen of Spain; Luis García Montero, director of the Cervantes Institute; Santiago Muñoz Machado, director of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) and president of the Association of Academies of the Spanish Language (ASALE); José Manuel Albares, Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation; the Spanish writer Elvira Lindo; the Nicaraguan novelist, journalist and academic Sergio Ramírez, winner of the Cervantes Prize in 2017 and the also writer and academic of the RAE Soledad Puértolas.

The opening day will come to a close with a plenary session entitled "The strength of Spanish in Europe and on the international scene", an activity that will feature the Minister José Manuel Albares and the PhD in Spanish and Latin American Literature Ruth Fine; the president of the German Association of Hispanists, Inke Gunia; the PhD in Linguistics from the University of Paris Nanterre and currently Professor of Language and Literature Alexandra Oddo and the General Director of Interpretation of the European Commission, Genoveva Ruiz Calavera.

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