Páginas de Espuma has published "Crónica de un final: 1917-1918. Románov" (Chronicle of the End: 1917-1918. Románov), a book that did not exist until this point, not even in Russia.
One hundred years ago exactly, on the night of the 16th to the 17th of July, 1918, the Russian Tsar Nicholas II, his wife Alexandra and their five children were executed at Ipatiev House in Yekaterinburg, the last of the three locations where the family was held captive since the Tsar was forced to abdicate after the February 1917 Revolution. Yakov Mikhailovich Yurovsky, commissary of the Ural Soviet, was in charge of executing the order of putting an end to the Romanov family (made up of the couple and their five children: Olga, Maria, Tatiana, Anastasia and Alexei), and their entourage: three servants and the doctor who had stayed by their side. Crónica de un final: 1917-1918. Románov (Chronicle of the End: 1917-1918. Romanov) is a book that did not exist until this point, not even in Russian. It is a compilation of letters and notes from the Tsar, Tsarina, and some of their children, including one from young Alexei, the heir to the throne, as well as testimonies of close friends of the family, some of whom were even witness to their last moments….
Read more: El Norte de Castilla