This declaration, published in the General State Budget for 2018, entails a series of fiscal incentives for private companies wishing to collaborate.
The Spanish Government has declared as an event of outstanding cultural significance the centenary in 2020 of the birth of novelist and academic Miguel Delibes (Valladolid, Spain) , whose work has received with the highest awards in Spanish literature, and is among those most often adapted to theatre, film and television. The Cervantes Institute is planning a grand exhibition in its headquarters, the Miguel Delibes Foundation is planning another one at the National Library, and the novelist’s family have already been contacted by public entities RTVE and RNE, as well as José Samano, the stage producer who brought plays such as Five Hours With Mario (Cinco horas con Mario) and The Wars of Our Ancestors (Las guerras de nuestros antepasados) to the stage. The novelist, columnist and essayist Miguel Delibes (1920-2010), has penned more than fifty works, and is one of the most popular writers of the last seventy years, debuting with his novel The Cypress Casts a Long Shadow (La sombra del ciprés es alargada) in 1948, and later irreversibly bursting into the literary scene with The Road (El camino) in 1950.
Read more about it: ABC Cultura