Xabier P. Docampo, winner of the Premio Nacional de Literatura Infantil (National Prize for Children's Literature), and one of the great restorers of literature aimed at these ages, passed away this morning at the age of 72, .....
as confirmed by sources from the city of Cambre (A Coruña), where he lived. Although born in Rábade (Lugo) in 1946, for years he lived in the municipality of Coruña. He combined teaching with his talents as a writer, theater actor, screenwriter, and promoter of the Galician language and culture. In 1995, he won the National Prize for Children's and Young People's Literature for “Cando petan na porta pola noite”, a book of stories about fear, demonstrating a significant influence from oral tradition. He was also awarded the White Ravens Award in 1997 and 2005. In 1986, he had already published his first book, “O misterio das Badaladas”, which was very successful among young readers. That same year, he published “Cun ollo aberto e outro sen cerrar”, a book of short stories for children.
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