Ms.Tusquets, director of Editorial Lumen, died in Barcelona at the age of 75.
Spanish and Catalan writer Esther Tusquets has died Monday, reports Books on Spain website. The author of We had won the war was 75.
“She became a darling of Anglo-American feminist Hispanism in the 1980s, largely thanks to the lyrical, experimental and hugely challenging trilogy of novels known as La trilogía del mar (The Sea Trilogy, 1978-1980): El mismo mar de todos los veranos (The Same Sea as Every Summer, 1978), El amor es un juego solitario (Love is a Solitary Game, 1979), and Varada tras el último naufragio (Shipwrecked After the Final Storm, 1980),” says Books on Spain. Read the complete story here.
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