Madrid, 03/20/2018. The Board of Directors of our entity, the Spanish Center for Reprographic Rights (CEDRO) decided to grant writer Julia Navarro the C2018 CEDAR Prize for her open defense of copyright and the rights of creation.
Carme Riera, president of CEDRO, said that "Julia Navarro is worthy of this award due to her personal commitment to the defense of intellectual property rights." Moreover, Riera stressed "the efforts that Julia has made in recent years for granting visibility to the work of writers and publishing houses."
Julia Navarro is a writer and journalist. After publishing several books of political nonfiction, her first novel, La Hermandad de la Sábana Santa (The Brotherhood of the Sacred Shroud) was for months at the top of the bestseller lists, both national and international. La Biblia de barro (The Mud Bible) and La sangre de los inocentes (The Blood of the Innocents) cemented her reputation among the critics as well as the general public. After those books came Dime quién soy (Tell me who I am); Dispara, yo ya estoy muerto (Shoot, I am already dead); and Historia de un canalla (Story of a Scoundrel). Navarro is one of the Spanish authors that enjoys greater recognition both within and without our borders. She has managed to reach millions of readers around the world, and translations of her books had been published in more than thirty countries.
Read more: CEDRO