Titled "Leopoldina the Witch" (La bruja Leopoldina), it is the only children's story that the author wrote and illustrated, at age 18. There are still texts by great writers of Spanish literature that remain unpublished.
The latest good news for those who love Literature, with a capital L, is that on April 26 will arrive at Spanish bookstores «Leopoldina the Witch» (Destino), a short story for children, the very first (as far as it is know) written and illustrated by Miguel Delibes at eighteen years of age. The story, which had remained unknown until now, had been sitting all this time in the archives of the Miguel Delibes Foundation, according to the Destino publishing house.
This short and imaginative text –by a then very young apprentice of literature and the arts—lends its name to the book "Leopoldina the Witch and Other True Stories" (“La bruja Leopoldina y otras historias reales”) that, in addition to the unpublished story, collects the stories contained in the books “My Life in the Open Air” (“Mi vida al aire libre”) and "Three People You Can’t Trust” (“Tres pájaros de cuenta”). These stories are amongst his most autobiographical texts, and in quintessential Delibes style they reveal the author’s innermost obsessions: his passion for nature, his connection to the land and the pleasures of bonding with it through observation, walking and sports.
Read more: ABC Cultura