It is the first time that this award is given to a book of essays for the "excellence" with which "it shows in a meticulous, well-documented way the long journey towards reconciliation of Spanish society".
The Francisco Umbral Foundation, which this year celebrates the seventh edition of its award endowed with 12,000 euros and a statue designed by Alberto Corazón, announced that Santos Juliá (Ferrol, 1940) has just won the Francisco Umbral Book of the Year Prize for " Transición. Una política española (1937-2017)” (Transition: A Spanish Policy (1937-2017)), published by Galaxia Gutenberg. As indicated during the press conference, the jury decided unanimously to award the prize for the first time to a book of essays "for the excellent way in which the essays shows, in a meticulous, well-documented way the long journey towards reconciliation of Spanish society, during a long era of our history that began in 1937."
Read more here: ABC Cultura