The Cervantes Institute is a non-profit cultural organization that universally promotes the teaching, study and use of Spanish, as well as the spread of the Spanish language and Spanish and Hispanic-American culture. It collaborates with museums, galleries, theatres, publishing houses and other cultural institutions.
Their Library “Jorge Luis Borges” in New York City collaborates this month with America Reads Spanish recommending the following selection of books for American readers:
- La vida negociable
Luis Landero. (Tusquets, ISBN: 9788490663714)
- Ya nadie llora por mí
Segio Ramírez.(Alfaguara, ISBN: 9788420427355)
- El silencio de la ciudad blanca
Eva García Sáenz de Urturi.(Planeta, ISBN: 9788408154167)
- La muerte de Guernica
Paul Preston (Debate, ISBN: 9788499927435)
- Vitamina C1 : curso de español de nivel superior
Berta Saralde (Sociedad General Española de Librería, ISBN 9788497789042)
- Gaell y las sombras de la huída
Ernesto Rodríguez.(Difusión, ISBN 9788416657599)
- El árbol de las cosas
María José Ferrada, Miguel Pang Ly.( A Buen Paso, ISBN 9788494407635)