The Cervantes Institute is a non-profit cultural organization that universally promotes the teaching, study and use of Spanish, as well as the spread of the Spanish language and Spanish and Hispanic-American culture. It collaborates with museums, galleries, theatres, publishing houses and other cultural institutions.
Their Library “Jorge Luis Borges” in New York City collaborates this month with America Reads Spanish recommending the following selection of books for American readers:
- Berta Isla
Javier Marías (Alfaguara, ISBN: 9788420427362)
- La mirada de los peces
Sergio del Molino (Literatura Random House, ISBN: 9788439733263)
- Quédate este día y esta noche conmigo
Belén Gopegui (Literatura Random House, ISBN: 9788439733089)
Premio Nacional de Poesía 2017
- Gloria
Julio Martínez Mesanza (Rialp, ISBN: 9788432146688)
- Intemperie (Based on Jesús Carrasco Novel)
Javi Rey (Planeta Cómic, ISBN: 9788416636068)
- C de C1 : curso de español de nivel superior. Libro del alumno
Rosana Acquaroni (Difusión, ISBN: 9788416273485)
- Un día en La Habana : un día, una ciudad, una historia
Ernesto Rodríguez (Difusión, ISBN: 9788416657438)
- Poemar o mar
Antonio García Teijeiro - Illustrated by Xan López Domínguez (Xerais, ISBN: 9788491210184)
Awarded with the National Prize of Literature for Children and Young Adults
- La increíblemente alucinante historia de Marcial, el niño normal
José Fragoso (Narval Editores, ISBN: 9788494464270)
For more information about Instituto Cervantes in New York, please visit their website: