
Interview with Nuria Quintana, the author of 'El jardín de Olavide'.

Nuria Quintana was born in Madrid in 1995, but moved with her family to Galicia, where she spent her childhood.

The UNE Publishers (Union of Spanish University Publishers) declare their commitment to editorial quality, also for open science communication.

The UNE Publishers have declared their commitment to good practices, also in open science communication, and have therefore urged the academic and scientific community to ..

Editorial Candaya celebrates 20 years building transatlantic bridges

'A way of living literature as almost no one practices it anymore'.

Spain presents its program as Guest of Honor of the FIL Guadalajara

The Spanish Ministry of Culture and Acción Cultural Española (AC/E) have detailed today the content of the Spain Guest of Honor Country program for FIL 2024,

The National Library of Spain, in collaboration with the Spanish Federation of Women Managers, Executives, Professionals

and Entrepreneurs (FEDEPE) and the Classical and Modern Association, have been celebrating Women Writers' Day every year since 20The aim is to defend history.

Mercedes Corral, National Award for the Work of a Translator 2024, and Agata Orzeszek and Ernesto Rubio, National Award for the Best Translation 2024.

Mercedes Corral has been awarded for an outstanding and long career spanning four decades and for the literary quality with which she has been able to infuse with talent and efficiency,

Latinoamérica Viva 2024 twelfth edition will feature the participation of 15 outstanding authors from 9 countries.

Latin American literature is not only united by Romance languages, but also by the diversity of themes and genres, which have given rise to essential names in world literature.

Spanish Publishers Bestsellers

With over 6000 available titles and 100 monthly new releases, Spanish Publishers provides a very wide selection of Spanish titles in every category including translations of American bestsellers ..

Review of 'Cadáver exquisito' by Agustina Bazterrica

'Cadáver exquisito' is a science fiction, fantasy and horror novel written by the multi-award-winning Argentine author Agustina Bazterrica.

Interview with Mario de la Rosa (Actualidad Literatura)

Mario de la Rosa was born in Madrid in 1975 and is a writer and actor. As a writer, he began composing songs that turned into poetry and then into narrative.

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